Ainspect’s Thanksgiving sale is here!
Sign up today to take advantage of our special offer to get a FREE 100-page website designed by Ainspect (25-page template website, plus 75 pages of general content), your own unique proprietary domain, CRM system to manage your
clients, advanced traffic reports, website submission to Google, Yahoo, MSN and so much more!
Or if you already have a website, sign up to have your site hosted and maintained by Ainspect and choose one of our other 3 outstanding offers!
Dedicated specifically to the
contracting industry, Ainspect is a full service web design company offering website hosting, monthly newsletters, email addresses, and much more. Our professional, attractive, user-friendly websites will help your business
stand out in a crowded industry. For a limited time, we are offering three ways to save when you sign up with Ainspect. To take advantage of this special offer, simply choose your sign-up bonus and contact us with your
promotional code. |
Ainspect.com | 150 Motor Parkway STE 110 | Hauppauge, NY 11788
**Each promotion featured in this email requires a 6-month agreement with Ainspect.com. One offer per customer**
1 - Free Website Setup is limited to your choice of our template based designs.
2 - Free Site Optimization is limited to your choice of two keywords/phrases.
3 - Must sign up for website design to be eligible for iPod Raffle.
Raffle will take place on December 8, 2006. Winner will be notified via email.