AInspect tells me that they have made the changes I requested, but I can’t see them?

If you don’t see the changes, please refresh the page by pressing the "F5" key on your keyboard. If after you refresh the page you are still unable to see the changes, please delete all cookies from your browser, and try again.

Instructions to delete cookies:

For IE 5.x Users:

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click Tools and click Internet Options to open the Internet Options windows
  3. Click General tab
  4. Click Delete Files under Temporary Internet files
  5. Check off Delete all offline content and click OK.
  6. Click "Settings"
  7. Click View Files
  8. On this new Window. Click Edit>Select All>Hit Delete on the keyboard.
  9. Close window and click Okay.
  10. Next click Clear History, then click OK.
  11. Click OK again to close the Internet Explorer properties.

For IE 6.0, or XP Users:

  1. Open up Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Tools
  3. Internet Options
  4. Click on the option "Delete Cookies"
  5. Click Okay
  6. Click Okay again to close the window.
  7. Try again